Our group's mission is the same as the School District of Clayton's: for our children to develop the character traits described in the Profile of a Clayton Graduate.
What are the district's policies & positions on this issue?
The document to the left, Clayton's Personal Electronic Policies & Official Communication, shows the policies from 2023-2024, and the policies & official communication about them during the 2024-2025 school year.
See Parent Presentation & Meeting Minutes
from Formal Meeting with Parents & Clayton District Leaders On This Issue
from Formal Meeting with Parents & Clayton District Leaders On This Issue
On July 25, five of our parent representatives met with district leaders to formally present our our mission & vision, concerns, the research that supports our concerns, our community work, petition, anonymous survey results, and ideas on how we can act immediately & collaboratively to address this urgent issue & enhance Clayton students' mental wellness & academic focus.
Are phones really that big of a problem in Clayton schools?
Unfortunately, yes.
As they are in all schools with loose phone-use policies & enforcement procedures. Through our months of book clubs & community conversations with teachers & parents across the district, we learned how frequently Clayton students are accessing their phones during the school day. Hence, we wrote down these stories & insights on a public Anonymous Comments Document.
To reach as many voices as we could, we also sent an Anonymous Comment Form to all Clayton parents, teachers, administrators & staff. Parent email addresses were collected via parent buzz books and staff emails were collected via public staff directories. As of July 26, 2024, we received 149 total comments. 125 comments agree with us. 24 comments do not. These comments, although not collected using the scientific method perfectly, demonstrate that... ...phone use is--undeniably--a huge problem in Clayton schools, and we need effective, research-based phone-use policies & procedures to protect the strength of our children's mental health & academic focus immediately. |
What are your proposed revision ideas?
Here are our Proposed Revision Ideas. In sum, we are advocating that the district...
Here's why.
How can I advocate for the district to take swifter, stronger action?
#1: Communicate your concerns & desires to our district leaders.
If you need help crafting a letter, we encourage you to read through some Community Comments, Research, and Myths to generate ideas.
If you would still like support, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
If you need help crafting a letter, we encourage you to read through some Community Comments, Research, and Myths to generate ideas.
If you would still like support, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
District Leaders
Dr. Nisha Patel #2 Mark Twain Circle Clayton, MO 63105 314-854-6017 [email protected] |
High School Principal:
Dr. Dan Gutchewsky #1 Mark Twain Circle Clayton, MO 63105 314-854-6604 [email protected] |
Middle School Principal:
Dr. Jamie Jordan 6500 Wydown Blvd. Clayton, MO 63105 314.854.6402 [email protected] |
Glenridge Principal: Dr. Tarita Murdock
7447 Wellington Way Clayton, Missouri 63105 314-854-6200 [email protected] |
Board Members
What else can I do?
Take the Wait Until 8th Pledge via the Official Wait Until 8th Website
and Clayton Pledgers List
“By signing this pledge, I promise not to give my child a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade as long as at least 10 families total from my child’s grade and school pledge to delay the smartphone.”
Join Our Book Club |
Join Our Facebook Group |
Subscribe to our Mailing List
How can I learn more about this group?
Watch us on the News* & at the last Board Meeting
Read about us in the Post-Dispatch*
*All news reporters reached out to us.