Yondr: The Most Effective Enforcement Tool for Creating Phone-Free Spaces
How do Yondr pouches work?
How many schools use the Yondr system?
What does the data say about Yondr's impact?
Of the schools using Yondr pouches...
But how would this work on an open campus?
"Many high schools have open campuses and have figured out how to enforce the Yondr system successfully. We work very closely with every school/district partner to assess their specific contexts and provide best practices. We have a fully dedicated implementation support team to work on the planning and implementation process with each school before the Yondr launch."
-Alex Simmons, Midwest Yondr Representative |
Won't students just pretend to lock the pouch or figure out a way to break it open?
"People have been picking & breaking locks since they were invented. It can happen. But any locking tool is used to protect us from potential problematic behavior. Anyone can break into a locked house, but that doesn't stop us from putting locks on our doors. Alcoholics put locks on their liquor cabinets for a reason. Children across the world are phone addicts right now. We need to help deter them with locks, even if some might abuse the system." -Clayton high school teacher/parent |
Won't Yondr deter students from staying on campus?
"Maybe a few kids here and there stay off campus to use their phones, but most students--naturally--want to be where the action is, which, on weekdays from about 8am to 4pm, is school!" -Hopewell High School Principal |
But some students and parents will be so upset...
Watch any video of students, parents, administrators, & teachers being interviewed about a Yondr system. They admit that they were upset at first. They protested that this was a violation of their rights and freedoms... but, after a few weeks, they express deep appreciation for their newfound mental clarity & academic focus. As one student admits, "I was so addicted to my phone, I didn't even know it was possible to be so focused and care free. I wish I had a Yondr pouch at home too."
Watch & listen for yourself!... |
What are example policies & procedures?
Video Examples
(1) Arrival (2) Dismissal (3) Tardy/"Return from Open Campus" Procedures
FAQ Examples
Yondr FAQs - Ferguson-Florissant School District
Yondr FAQs = Waverlit City School District
Yondr FAQs - Bethlehem Central Public School District
Yondr FAQs = Waverlit City School District
Yondr FAQs - Bethlehem Central Public School District
Policy / Roll-Out Examples
For more examples, contact Alex Simmons, Midwest Yondr Representative, [email protected]